Visalia Watering Schedule

Visalia Watering Schedule

The current VISALIA Watering Schedule is (Dec thru Feb): Addresses ending in ODD numbers, water on Saturdays Addresses ending in EVEN numbers, water on Sundays Watering Times and Duration: Water before 8:00 am or after 6:00 pm on designated watering day. Two or more...
Tips to Choosing the right synthetic lawn

Tips to Choosing the right synthetic lawn

If you currently reside in California, you are probably looking for alternatives to grass due to the terrible drought we are experiencing. Installing synthetic lawn is the wave of the future. It can offer quite a few benefits. It allows you to say goodbye to your lawn...
How did Rainscape Green become the brand color?

How did Rainscape Green become the brand color?

Rainscape Green stands strong against the test of time. Statistics report that 93% of consumers make purchase decisions based on color and visual appearance. In 1972, when Ron Radish and Jim Cooper ordered their first matching Ford trucks for Rainscape, they had no...
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