As temperatures start heating up, and people are thinking about turning their sprinklers back on, it’s important to know the guidelines set by your city for water conservation. Even with the record amount of rains the state received this past season, these are still in place unless otherwise announced by the city.

Visalia’s watering is as follows: 

Outdoor landscape irrigation is limited to the following days, times and durations:

Days you are allowed to water

  • Even addresses (ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) water on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
  • Odd addresses (ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

Watering times and duration

  • Water before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on designated watering day.
  • Runoff is prohibited.
  • If it rains: Irrigation during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall is prohibited.

Exceptions (more details at the City of Visalia website):

Hand watering of shrubs, trees or vegetables is allowed with a watering can or attended hose with shut-off nozzle. (Does not apply to lawns.) Drip irrigation is allowed any day but must follow time restrictions. Drip irrigation means non-spray low volume irrigation with no emitter greater than 4 gallons per hour.

Washing of sidewalks, driveways, or other paved areas is prohibited. Draining of swimming pools is limited to once every 3 years. Ornamental fountains must use a water recycling system.

Car washing is allowed on any day with a hand-held bucket and/or a hand-held hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle. Runoff is prohibited.

Your local watering schedules:

Visalia Watering Schedule

Fresno Watering Schedule

Tulare Watering Schedule

Porterville Watering Schedule

Exeter Watering Schedule

Water Conservation Resources for Visalia and California’s Central Valley area

Drought resistant landscape designs consists of landscapes that require very little water. Replacing thirsty lawns with patios (and/or other hardscaping) or xeriscape landscaping can cut your water use by 80% or more; and eliminating even a little bit of lawn can help. Xeriscape landscaping is a low-water drought tolerant landscaping design that offers an attractive and environmentally friendly alternative to grass, that includes conserving water with drought-tolerant plants and efficient irrigation.

By reducing the amount of grass and replacing it with a drought resistant landscape, you can drastically reduce your water usage and a whole lot of maintenance. As people who live and work in the communities we serve, we understand the importance of how every landscaping project affects people’s daily lives. When you work with our team of landscaping specialists, you can rest assured that we will listen to your ideas, recognize your unique needs, and commit to providing you with creative, efficient, and budget-conscious solutions you’ll love – and water-conscious landscaping you need. Give us a call at (559) 651-2333 or check out our website at

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