Keeping up with Jones’ is so last year. You can now be the Jones on your street. Knowing the tricks to taking care of your lawn can help you to have one of the best yards in Visalia. You can do it all without chemicals too! You can avoid that synthetic stuff and have a chemical-free lawn.

Tips for a lush green lawn without the chemicals

1. Tend to your soil – If you want healthy grass, you need healthy soil. Your foundation needs to be nutrient-rich and robust. Aerating your lawn annually and applying a thin layer of fine compost to the top will help it to have the best start. If you find that your lawn looks a little thin you can overseed with some high-quality seed. Thicker grass will leave little room for weeds and create a prettier lawn.

2. Go organic – Organic fertilizers come from natural sources such as animal or plant by-products. These have ingredients that often include kelp, carbon, fish meal, alfalfa meal, and bone meal. When you use a slow or controlled release fertilizer you will allow your plants to absorb more of the nutrients. Organic lawn food used in the spring and autumn will help keep it green and prevent weeds. Take the time to read the labels of all the products you choose for weed control and fertilizer. Avoid anything that says hazardous or toxic and try to keep things as natural as possible. The best care is prevention, so take care of the soil and grass.

3. Choose the right grass – The type of grass you choose has a direct correlation to its success. If you choose a grass that is too short, it will be stressed out and prone to insects and disease. If the grass is too tall it can be problematic during our summer droughts. You need the Goldilocks of grasses. You can ask your local garden store which is best for your needs and our area. It’s often smart to blend a few different species such as perennial ryegrass, bluegrass, and fescues. Setting your mower to the correct height and using a mulching mower that leaves clippings on the lawn will help to improve the soil.

Tips to help you avoid the myths

1. Myth 1: You need lime on your lawn
    Truth: Lime necessity is dependent on your pH levels. If you add lime unnecessarily you will burn your lawn and have brown instead of green.

2. Myth 2: Water your lawn any time of day
    Truth: Do you like spending money on water? Do you care about water conservation? Then the time does matter! The best time to water is early morning around 6-      9am. During these hours there is less sunlight and wind which cause evaporation before the water reaches the roots. Evening is worse because it can attract lawn fungus. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth and minimize browning.

3. Myth 3: Your lawn needs a beer
    Truth: The yeast in beer that many people believe will help your lawn will encourage fungus growth and hinder healthy grass growth. Just like we don’t “need” a beer, your lawn really doesn’t either. It’s better to choose real organic fertilizers.

These are just a few tips you can add to your arsenal to create the prettiest and greenest lawn on the street in the most environmentally and pocketbook friendly way possible. If you have any questions regarding the best lawn care for your landscape, we are happy to help.

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