Your property’s curb appeal can be adjusted any season of the year, but winter is a great time to refresh your landscaping and prepare your commercial property for spring and summer growth. These past few years has been hard on businesses with the pandemic and changing customer patterns. Your business in the San Joaquin and Central valley area can thrive if you take a few moments to care for some maintenance-musts. A shining property will help you to attract those customers back to your property and through your doors.

Take the time to fertilize

Toward the end of winter or beginning of spring is the best time to apply fertilizer. Fertilizer replenishes the nutrients in the soil and ensures healthy plant growth. Your landscaping company can help you to prevent fertilizer burn and nutrient lock by doing a soil analysis and creating a custom treatment just for your property. Taking the time to maintain the health of your soil will help your plants thrive once warmer weather returns.

Lay down some mulch

Applying mulch is an easy way to refresh your grounds and make them look crisp, clean and new. Mulch will protect your sensitive plants from weather changes and retain moisture and nutrients in the soil. Another bonus is the instantly improved aesthetic appeal.

Thin out your plants

Your commercial property will have a clean, professional look if you take the time to thin out your plants and removal winter brush. Take the time to prune shrubs and trees and cut back ornamental grasses. Removing dead debris from the property will open space for new growth and prevent disease and insect infestation.

Check your irrigation system

During the winter your property will have less need for irrigation and an increased need for good drainage. Rainscape can provide you with a tailored watering assessment to make sure that you’re properly set up to care for your existing plants and landscaping. Taking the time to check for efficiency will help you to prevent runoff and soil erosion as well as improve water conservation and financial savings.

Keep the weeds out

The mulch mentioned early is a great first strategy to keep your weeds under control. You can also minimize weed grown by using pre-emergent treatments to prevent invasive plants from creeping in. Here at Rainscape we are happy to help you find more information on what you might need for your property.

Keep your landscape healthy

Prevention is always key, and proper maintenance will keep your commercial landscape in tip top shape season after season. Here at Rainscape we are happy to provide you with expert landscape design and support your maintenance needs. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your property.


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