Spring is here, which mean summer is just around the corner, and now is the time in the San Joaquin and Central Valley to prepare your lawn for the warmer weather. Here in Visalia, we know we must be smart about our landscaping and planning is always a great first step. Have you heard the acronym LAWN? What is it and how will it benefit your landscape? A good rule of thumb when it comes to lawn care is to follow the acronym LAWN:

L is for LIGHT!

Sunlight is essential to the health and growth or your lawn.

A is for AERATION!

Aeration should be completed in the early spring for better results during the year.

What is aeration?

Ok, so what exactly is aeration? This involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. Aeration alleviates soil compaction and helps the roots to grow deeper and stronger.

Why aerate?

If your lawn gets heavy use, such as children and pets running around it can lead it to be more compacted. If your lawn was part of new construction, it may have been compacted by the construction traffic. Sometimes our lawn will develop a dried out or spongy feel and this can mean you have a thatch issue. If the thatch is over one-half inch, you should aerate your lawn.

When should you aerate?

The best time is during the growing season when the grass can heal and fill in the open areas created by the soil plug removal. Cool season grass should be aerated in early spring or fall and warm season in late spring.

How do you aerate?

Aerating tools such as a plug aerator or spike aerator can be used to aerate your lawn. First make sure that your soil is moist enough. After a rain shower or after watering is the best time. Make multiple passes over the most compacted areas and leave unaffected areas alone. Excavated soil plugs should dry out and then be broken up to give the lawn a uniform and clean appearance. You can break them up with a lawn mower or pound them with the back of a rake. Despite many myths aeration will not affect crabgrass control or weed prevention, so no worries there. After aeration fertilize, mow and water as usual. Aeration is one of the best ways to prepare your lawn for warmer weather.

W is for WATER!

Water is very important to the health of your lawn. Your lawn needs the proper amount of water in order to thrive. You need to be sure that it isn’t too much or too little. Over watering your lawn can lead to many problems as well as a no-no for water conservation.

When is the best time to water?

Water in the morning between 4 and 9am, during minimal winds and non-intense sun. Watering at night can cause slow absorption which leads to pests, weeds and diseases.

How long should you water when not in drought?

Soak it a few times a week verses multiple times a week. A healthy lawn needs one inch of water a week. If you’d like a gauge, you can use an empty tuna can and mark out one inch and space a few about 15 feet apart on the grass. Check the cans at intervals to determine how long it takes to measure one inch of water. Do this twice a week or depending on local water guidelines.

What about during drought?

Drought changes things a bit. Extreme heat and no precipitation lead to a stressed lawn, so it’s best to let the grass go dormant. Zoysia, Bermuda, St. Augustine, Buffalo, Bahia, and Fescues grasses are great for hot, dry weather. These grasses go dormant instead of dying and don’t require food or water and awaken during cooler temps. During a drought do not apply herbicides, fertilizers or aerate. Mow the grass at a higher height and don’t cut off more than one third of the blades. Leave your grass clippings on the lawn to shade your soil and maintain moisture.


Nutrients are incorporated during the fertilization process. In order for your lawn to look beautiful you will need to complete this step. Fertilizing in spring helps to promote early growth for your lawn.

LAWN is an easy acronym to use to remember to keep your landscape and lawn lush and healthy. If you have any further questions, please reach out or comment below.



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