There are a lot of different choices when it comes to artificial grass. Choosing the right one will depend on understanding a few key things before you buy your turf. The good news is that most artificial grass is multi-use and can work for most situations, but in certain cases there might be a better choice depending on your needs.

Budget is one thing to consider, but there’s more to it. Buying the cheapest turf might end up being more expensive if it wears out quickly or is the wrong type and you end up having to buy more. So consider carefully the following things and talk about them with your artificial turf specialist before making your final decision.

FIRST, you’ll want to think about how much TRAFFIC your turf will get. Will children or pets be playing on it often? Is it in a space where you’ll be walking back and forth over it from the mailbox or garage on a daily basis? Some areas may need to be more durable than others to avoid uneven wear and tear.

NEXT, an issue to consider is the QUALITY of your turf when it comes to how it feels. If you’ll be walking barefoot on it, or children rolling on it, you’ll want to invest in a higher quality turf with a softer feel or touch.

The COLOR of your artificial turf is also something that is important to most people. Synthetic grass comes in a wide variety of greens as well as mixes of greens and browns to create the exact visual you are looking for. Cheaper artificial turfs tend to come in single shades of green, which have a very artificial look. More expensive ones have a mixture of colors that more accurately reflect how real grass looks.

Another important element to consider is the MAINTENANCE factor. A simple rule of thumb is that the more expensive the turf is, the less you’ll have to spend to maintain it. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, high winds, a lot of dropping leaves or needles from trees, and other factors like that, be sure to discuss with your artificial turf provider to see which would work best for you.

Artificial grass requires less maintenance, but there are some simple things you will need to do to keep it looking great for the long term. For more information about caring for artificial turf, check out these articles:

One last recommendation is to ask for SAMPLES when considering which turf to use. Place the samples in the sun where you plan on installing the turf to make sure the colors will look like you want and complement your landscaping or home.

The benefits of artificial grass are great, especially if you live in an area like Visalia that is currently under water schedule restrictions. If you’d like to discuss the pros and cons with us or get information about installing artificial grass for your lawn, please give us a call. Our landscape and artificial turf professionals here at Rainscape are experienced professionals who work with residential, commercial and civic customers throughout Visalia and Central California to find and install the right type for their needs.

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