You’re already a step ahead of other landscapes by making the greener choice for your landscape. But now you need know how to care for artificial grass in Winter? One of the many reasons you probably chose artificial turf for your landscape is its year-round resilience. Here in the San Joaquin Valley, we don’t deal with the temperature extremes of some other areas, but with the changing seasons by installing artificial grass we know despite the temperature we will enjoy the look and feel of a green, lush lawn.

Even though artificial grass is lower maintenance it still could use a little love to keep it looking its best during the winter months. Here are few things to keep an eye on to keep your grass in tip top shape.

Tip 1 – After a frost tread carefully

We don’t have the extreme cold here in the Central Valley, but we still need to be mindful of freezes when it comes to the health and look of our artificial turf. Artificial grass is resilient and a great performer in nearly all weather, but it can still become a bit slippery in the cases of extreme cold or frost. The fibers can become brittle or slippery with frost, so be careful when walking on your lawn in colder temperatures. If you own a commercial property, be mindful of this with your customers. Maybe put up proper signage.

Tip 2 – Freak snow – what not to do

We will most likely not experience this anytime soon, but stranger things have happened. It’s always better to be prepared, so you keep your grass looking healthy. Artificial grass is hardy and isn’t affected by snow or freezing rain. If you do happen to have a layer of snow or frost allow it to melt naturally. You can pour warm water to help it along or use hot cleaning towels or rags on top of the snow if you want to melt it. Please do not use salt. Salt will damage the fibers and the residue can build up in the base and interfere with proper drainage. If for some reason you had a large amount of snowfall, never use a metal shovel as it can damage the fibers. Use a plastic shovel and stay a minimum of four inches from the grass to prevent damage. (Just in case you ever end up in snowmaggedon)

Tip 3 – Check your lawns security

Seasons can have a slight impact on the materials used to secure your lawn. Take a moment to check that your lawn is firmly secured. If you need to you can add nails or reaffix areas as needed. Depending on proper installation, this shouldn’t be an issue, but it’s always smart to check for any weak spots.

Tip 4 – Keep away the debris

Just like a natural grass lawn, you should be mindful of removing leaves and debris to prevent them from sitting on the lawn and causing issues. Brush your lawn every few weeks and keep it pristine and free of debris.

You made the right choice choosing artificial grass, and most likely will be watching your neighbors fussing with their landscapes while you enjoy some cozy time with your family. If you’re on the fence about making the switch to artificial turf, give us a call and we’re happy to answer any questions you might have about installing and how to care for artificial grass!

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