Our landscapes not only create something for us to enjoy, but they also can make a difference for our environment as well. Here in Visalia, we know the importance of the choices we make when it comes to watering and creating systems that help our native plants and animals to flourish. Sustainable landscaping can also help to improve the quality of our air and create an ongoing positive impact.

What is sustainable landscaping?
Our landscaping, when done correctly, can boost energy efficiency and minimize the negative effects on the environment. When we minimize the use of non-renewable resources and chemical additives, we can make a real difference. A sustainable landscape is beneficial to the environment and the native wildlife. Selecting the right plants can help you to preserve water, improve air quality and restore habitats for pollinating insects and small wildlife.

Recycle yard waste
Greencycling is a great way to keep your soil healthy and is less taxing on the land’s natural resources. Grass clippings are full of free nutrients and can be used as a natural fertilizer. When a lawn is mowed regularly and at the right height, the clippings will easily break down. Making use of the resources already provided by your landscape will save you money in the long run as it reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Natural mulching will allow you to have healthy, lush grass with great soil underneath.

Encourage habitats for pollinators and other animals
Making the effort to plant the right kind of flowers, can encourage native insects to come to your landscape and pollinate the plants. There’s been a decline of pollinators and bees around the US, and we can do our part to encourage them to survive and thrive. Trees and shrubs are a great way to provide habitats for native wildlife. You will also have the added benefit of enjoying the native visitors and the delicious food they help create.

Be smart about water conservation
A smart water system can cut down on your water usage while maintaining your landscape. You can also find creative ways to repurpose rainwater when acceptable in your area. Adjusting the settings using timers can help you modify the amount of water needed during the various seasons.

Appreciate potted plants
You can grow flowers, herbs, and vegetables in pots. If your landscape is lacking in space, or quality soil, potted plants are the way to go. Pots allow you to avoid taxing the soil or adding chemicals. Pots can be used to create a happy place for pollinators and homeowners alike.

Keep it local
Using local aka native plants will have a huge impact on the success of your landscape and its sustainability. Local plants will thrive in all seasons and support wildlife all year. Native plants are often low-water, low-maintenance, and hardy. Native plants will help you to create a low-cost sustainable landscape that will provide ongoing beauty all year long.

If you’re looking for advice on creating a sustainable landscaping plan, here at Rainscape, we are happy to help.

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