Summer is wrapping up and it is officially back to school time. Crazy how fast time flies! No matter how quickly our family is moving and how easily the days speed by, we still seek out opportunities to wind down and come together as a family. Our backyards can become our own personal vacation-worthy hangout spot, when life doesn’t afford the opportunity to travel. We can create our own cozy spots for afternoon naps, sunset happy hours and outside family dinners.

As fall rolls into the Visalia area the temperatures are cooling down, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of our outdoor spaces. Even if you have limited space, the smallest of backyards may necessitate more creativity, but you are not limited. How can we fully utilize our outdoor spaces, even if the space seems too small?

Tip 1: Add a mirror
We have all heard the mirror trick by now. If you want a small room to appear bigger and brighter adding a mirror can do the trick. It may seem odd to add a mirror to your backyard, but the same affect holds true. Your backyard will look airier and more open. Where should you put it? How about on the fence near a bistro table? Against an exterior wall? Under an overhang? Make sure the mirror you choose is rated for outdoor use or it may not pass the test of endurance.

Tip 2: Kitchen fake-out
Do you want an outdoor kitchen, but you can afford the luxury or don’t have the space needed? You can fake the look with a strategic setup! Add some shelving next to your grill that makes it appear built in. This extra workspace will allow the griller plenty of room to prep, store and serve.

Tip 3: Move the entertainment outside
Cooler weather is the best time to stream under the stars. You don’t need to go all out and add a movie theater to your yard, just bring a bit of the inside outside. Add a comfy couch, ambient lighting, and some version of a viewing screen. Some options for a television screen are to place a computer monitor on an outdoor table or use a white bed sheet as an at-home projector.

Tip 4: Bring out the creature comforts
Decorate your patio space to mirror your interior spaces. Adding blankets, rugs and outdoor-friendly accessories to your space will make your backyard feel both dynamic and charming.

Tip 5: Add a dining bench
Well, we need a place to eat, don’t we? One option for small spaces is to add in a built-in bench to a space. The bench can be used for multiple purposes, creating extra seating and a patio barrier. It doesn’t need to always be linked to a table.

Tip 6: Nothing says oasis like water
San Joaquin and Central Valley definitely bring the heat, and make us all crave a cool dip, but not everyone has the space for a pool, or the extra money. One option that many may not think of offhand is utilizing a stock tank, yes, the galvanized vessels that livestock usually drink out of. It may not sound fancy, but it can be surprisingly stylish. Add a little paint, a custom pool deck and your sippy cup and you’ll feel like you’re lounging poolside at your own stylish hotel.

We could go on, there are many other tips that we could share to create the perfect outdoor oasis to enjoy the summer and into the cooler fall months. Everyone has their own style and personality when it comes to shaping their landscapes. We would love to hear what you’ve done with yours.

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