We did it! We made it through 2020! It was an unusual year, but it allowed us the opportunity to focus on things that we put off, and find creative ways to inspire, motivate and encourage each other. Many of us picked up new hobbies, spent more time with our families than we’ve been able to in a long time, and focused on fulfilling some of our personal goals and dreams.

We wanted to take a moment review a few of the posts we enjoyed from 2020 with you.

  1. Top 5 easy DIY artificial turf projects – (Link to Article)

Artificial turf can be used for much more than just creating a beautiful lawn or landscape. There are projects that both homeowners and business owners can do using artificial grass for fun and functionality, and with the added bonus of increasing the value of their home and business. Here are 5 ideas in this February 2020 post.

  1. How to make your garden attractive to butterflies and birds – (Link to Article)

One of the joys of creating a beautiful garden is sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee in the morning, admiring a landscape filled with colorful birds, butterflies and other fauna. This post shared some tips on how to bring them into your space!

  1. Common myths about synthetic grass – (Link to Article)

There are many common myths around synthetic grass. Are you falling for any of these 6 common myths?

  1. Drought-tolerant landscapes – Your money saving superhero – (Link to Article)

Here in the beautiful San Joaquin and Central Valley area creating a gorgeous yet drought-tolerant landscape is the dream of many homeowners. How can you keep it sustainable and eco-friendly? Here are some money saving tips.

  1. Why bat boxes are a beneficial addition to your landscaping – (Link to Article)

We went batty! Did you know that real bats are actually beneficial to the Central Valley and to your yard? Here is why and how you should build a bat box!

We had a hard time choosing which posts to share with you, because there were so many great topics that we covered this past year. Which post was your favorite? What would you like to see us write about? Do you have any unanswered questions about synthetic grass, hardscaping, irrigation or other topics? We would love to hear them! We look forward to working with you this year to make your landscaping dreams a reality. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, we’d love to help!


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