Our houseplant babies are sometimes a bit higher maintenance than we expect. Some of the more temperamental houseplants will refuse to survive even if you stick to a carefully planned watering routine. It takes more to care for your plants than simply giving them some sunshine and water. Check out our houseplant care tips for some simple care tasks that could make the difference between your plant thriving or dying.

To give your houseplant the best chance of survival there are a few things you can do to make sure you cover your bases.

Dust your plants
Our first houseplant care tip is to dust your plants.  It may seem like a silly concept, but dusting your plant can help it to get more sunlight and remove pests at the same time. Your plant will have the bonus of looking fresh and glossy. When you dust make sure to support the underside of the leaf to prevent tearing.

House plants need fertilizer
Fertilizer helps to replenish the nutrients in the soil that the plants extract. The best time to fertilize is during active growth which is from March until September. Every one to three months you should add one-fourth of the amount recommended on the label.

Get misty with it
Houseplants are actually happiest when misted especially if you live in an area with low humidity. Taking the time to mist your plants will also work to boost the humidity in the air. You don’t need to go fancy, just a basic spray bottle will work. Just make sure you don’t mist plants with fuzzy leaves like African violets.

Remove dead leaves
Dead leaves need to be removed to encourage new growth and fresh blossoms. The plant will look healthier as well. Be careful to avoid tearing the healthy stem of the plant. Use a pair of scissors to help with precision.

Remove any pests
If you notice that your house plant is suddenly very sad you might have a pest problem! When dusting your plants keep an eye out for bugs like aphids. If needed, you can apply an insecticidal soap that you can grab at your local nursery.

Water for the weather
Pay attention to the weather and adjust your watering amount based on the rising temperatures. It’s also important to keep an eye on the size of the plant. Smaller plants will need less than larger plants.

Taking the time to use these houseplant care tips to care of your plants will help them to be happier and healthier. If you have any questions regarding plant care or the right plant for your landscape, we are always happy to help.

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